Solihull Arts Complex

Wreck It Ralph (2012)

Wreck It Ralph (2012) PG

2012 Disney animated film. PG. Video game 'bad guy' Wreck It Ralph sets out on a journey to become the hero for a change.

Wreck It Ralph (2012)


Arcade-game character Wreck-It Ralph is tired of always being the "bad guy" and losing to his "good guy" opponent, Fix-It Felix. Finally, after decades of seeing all the glory go to Felix, Ralph decides to take matters into his own hands. He sets off on a game-hopping trip to prove that he has what it takes to be a hero. However, while on his quest, Ralph accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens the entire arcade.


VOICES OF: John C. Reilly, Jane Lynch, Jack McBrayer, Sarah Silverman,

DIRECTED BY: Richard Moore


This film is rated PG due to mild threat and violence, as well as mild rude humour.

Book Tickets

Ticket Price: £5

Age Certificate: PG

Running Time: 108 minutes (no interval)

Start Time: 2pm

Release Year: 2012

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