Solihull Arts Complex

Ticketing & Publicity For Other Venues and Events

Tickets For Other Venues and Events

Our Box Office can sell for events, shows and performances at other venues such as schools, village halls, outdoor festivals or firework shows... just about anything that people need to pay for a ticket over the phone, counter or online.  The facility provides a valuable function of 24hr ticketing for your customers, secure transactions without the headaches of juggling tickets and payments.  

How does it work?

Download and read the Ticketing and Publicity Form for Outside Venues off this page and read the information sheets regarding the options you have about whether we sell all your tickets or an allocation of them.  Where we talk about Outside Venues, this means outside of The Core Theatre facilities, not outdoors (although some events may actually be outdoors!).

If you wish to keep some tickets or sell some yourself, this is fine to do so, you would become an Agent, and could collect supplies of tickets for your own purposes.  You would keep the money for these, and ensure that your customers are given the same information about the show, as those buying through us.  

We load your show onto our ticketing system so that they can sell tickets over the counter, next we create a webpage on our ticketing site at: and finally we notify our online provider that we are selling for this event and they handle the online sales for your show in a safe, secure way, alongside our own events.  Because this is a secure system, you do not have access to your ticket buyers data - it's not shared or passed outside our Box Office as we are your ticketing agents.

How much does it cost?

Because of the work involved the cost is £50 plus VAT per show.  This is not paid in advance, but we take it out of monies we are holding for the tickets sold.  As soon as possible after the show we print off a Final Show Report for you detailing how many tickets have been sold and the final value due to the show promoter/organisers. There are standard small deductions when your customers pay by card which are taken off by card providers. We deduct the £50 from the monies we are holding and repay you the balance of ticket money - this normally takes 7-10 days using the Council's Finance Office.

Your ticket buyers will pay a £1.50 transaction fee when buying over the phone or online, but can avoid all fees by calling into our office during opening hours .

Why use our Box Office?

We sell tickets all day long, and all night too online!  We are tried, trusted, local and as part of Solihull Council, our systems are utterly secure and trustworthy for your ticket buyers. We are a central point for ticket buyers and our location within Touchwood makes us easy to find.

Who promotes the show?

You do, but we can help any of the groups, clubs societies, event organisers who use our ticketing services, by mentioning your show on our social media, our in-house plasma screens within The Core and on occasion, a mention in our E-flyers to our database of previous buyers.  We can't be responsible for promoting your show and nothing is guaranteed, but we can certainly try to assist in these small but useful ways.

Download the Ticketing and Publicity Form for Outside Venues.